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gradar wurde entwickelt, um die Notwendigkeit von den beratungsintensiven Projekten ( Sie wissen, wen wir damit meinen!) zu entfernen, damit Sie Ihr Stellenbewertungsprojekt kostengünstig und intern durchführen können, mit einer Software.

Dennoch verstehen wir, dass Sie möglicherweise zusätzliche Unterstützung von einem Comp- und Ben-Spezialisten benötigen. Deshalb haben wir eine Liste von Partnern zusammengestellt, die die gleichen Werte vertreten, wie wir und in der Nutzung von gradar geschult sind.

  • Stellenbewertung
  • Unterstützung bei vollumfänglichen Vergütungsprojekten
  • Einfaches Einrichten und Onboarding des Accounts
  • Fortlaufende Unterstützung durch erfahrene HR Experten
gradar Berater Profile

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Implementierungspartner in Ihrer Nähe


ESPERTA is a consulting company in the fields of Talent Management and Strategic Rewards. They have been providing solutions to organizations to align talent and rewards strategy with business strategy since 1999. Their portfolio and experience have demonstrated consistent results in a multitude of companies of all sizes and sectors of activity.

gold partner


QBiDD is a Amsterdam based HR consultancy firm, run by Dennis Telkamp, an experienced and knowledgeable HR consultant with a strong focus on job evaluation, compensation and benefits, and strategic HR management. Since 2004, Dennis has helped more than 250 organizations take an effective and results-oriented approach to HR and Compensation Management related issues.

silver partner


CompTeam LLC is an HR management consulting firm specializing in job evaluation, performance pay and talent management solutions. Since 2013, they’ve offered a range of employee pay and performance solutions - including the design and optimization of performance driven variable compensation plans for executive, sales and core employee populations.

silver partner


Sharpmania ist ein spezialisiertes, effizientes und engagiertes Team mit nachgewiesener Erfahrung in der sich verändernden Dynamik von Organisationen. Ihre Lösungen umfassen die Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer HR-Grundlagen, -Richtlinien und -Prozesse, Beschaffung und Rekrutierung, Vergütungs- und Leistungsstrategien, Personalmanagementstrategien, Schulungs- und Entwicklungspläne und Organisationsdesign.

silver partner

Nordic Reward Partners

Nordic Reward Partners offer interim, consultancy and subscription services in the compensation and benefits field. They work with EU organizations, operating as outside advisors or as an integrated part of a team. They are founded and owned by Reward specialists who saw the need for a different type of Reward consultancy - based on true specialists, rather than traditional consultants.

bronze partner

Pascale Paulsmeier

Pascale Paulsmeier ist eine beim Health Professions Council in Südafrika registrierte Arbeitspsychologin. Sie verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen im strategischen und operativen Personalmanagement und in der Organisationsentwicklung in vielen Branchen. Ihre Leidenschaft ist es, Organisationen und Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten und Marktführer zu werden.

bronze partner

Perform & Pay

Perform & Pay bring simplicity to the complex world of performance and rewarding. With 30+ years of practical experience, they help businesses design reward solutions that drive employee performance and impact employee experience. Their customer base ranges from large multinational stock listed corporations to small family owned companies.

bronze partner


CTeam is one of Romania and Bulgaria’s leading Human Capital consultancies. They work with the gradar software to deliver meaningful HR projects for organizations of all shapes and sizes, with CTeam experts assisting organizations that want to build a clear job architecture. They deliver consulting services related to job evaluation, compensation and benefits, talent management and more.

bronze partner

Nspire People Ltd

Nspire People provide full spectrum People and Reward consultancy services. They deliver creative and strategic reward solutions to ensure that organizations maximize their reward spend in a fair and equitable manner. They are led by Kelly Anderson, a knowledgeable and accomplished HR professional with more than 20 years of experience in the field.

bronze partner

Anton Mayer

Anton ist ein anerkannter Personalberater in Deutschland, der für persönliche und Fernberatungen in den folgenden Bereichen in deutscher und englischer Sprache zur Verfügung steht: Führungskräftetraining, Leadership, Job-Evaluation as a Service, Change Management, Moderation, Coaching, Stellenbewertung, Vergütungsmanagement, Compensation & Benefits, Personalmanagement, Personalentwicklung.

bronze partner

Adept Systems

Since 1994, Adept Systems has provided a range of advisory and management consultancy services. They are trusted advisors in organizational structuring, job analysis and grading, compensation and benefit, skills assessments, talent management, recruitment and human resource services - working with clients to build efficient human and management systems.

bronze partner

The Consult Hut

The Consult Hut is dedicated to driving organizational success through organization development, talent management and strategic human resource advisory services. They serve companies of all shapes and sizes, including large corporations, small to medium businesses and not-for-profit organizations - with their dedicated professionals bringing a wealth of expertise and experience across various industries.

bronze partner

Widen Advisory

Widen Advisory analyzes, designs, and transforms client organizations to unlock business value, reduce costs and maximize people potential. They’re a balanced team of industry experts and business advisors with exposure to various sectors and organizations - with all advisors trained in global consulting and with a successful track record in organization design and transformation projects.

bronze partner


spod.on - smart people and organizational development - ist keine typische Unternehmensberatung. Wir bieten maßgeschneiderte, pragmatische und evidenzbasierte Lösungen im Bereich der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung sowie des HR-Managements. Dazu gehört die Einführung von fairen, leistungsfördernden und transparenten Vergütungskonzepten über moderne Stellenbewertungs- und Karrieremodelle.

bronze partner

My Next Step

My Next Step understands that navigating the complexities of human resources can be daunting. That's why they’ve created a boutique consultancy in Belgium dedicated to providing tailored HR advice and solutions to SMEs. Their ecosystem of experienced HR professionals brings decades of collective experience across various industries, making them your trusted partner in all matters related to workforce management.

strategie M

Ein Unternehmen ist nur so erfolgreich wie seine Mitarbeiter. Deshalb berät Sie Strategie M in allen Fragen rund um das Thema Human Resources in Ihrem Unternehmen und entwickelt maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Ihren Erfolg. Die Lösungen basieren auf maßgeschneiderten Bausteinen aus acht Bereichen, wie Organisationsentwicklung, Führung, Vergütung und Arbeitszeit.

bronze partner


In der Personalberatung liegt der Schwerpunkt der IMB auf der Unterstützung mittelständischer Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung ihrer Anforderungen an eine professionelle Personalarbeit. Schwerpunkte sind Personalplanung und -suche, Mitarbeiterentwicklung und -bindung sowie die Unterstützung bei der Entwicklung und Implementierung von Prozessen und Systemen zur Kompetenzentwicklung und Vergütungssystemen.

bronze partner

Advance HRS

Advance HRS is an all-round HR consultancy and services firm active in the broad area of Human Resources Management and Consulting. They have a regional focus on Aruba and the Dutch Caribbean islands, where they support the corporate sector, nonprofit organizations and the government to introduce structure and professionalism in company HR policy.

bronze partner

HSC- human & sales consulting

HSC is a group of consultants working in the field of marketing and sales, HR management, process management and strategies. They develop modern solutions that help their clients build efficient processes. The solutions are based on modern practices and latest technology that can be adapted to the requirements of any organization.

bronze partner

Execution Edge Ltd

Execution Edge is an advisory and management consulting firm with strong capabilities and experience. They partner with clients to lay the groundwork for cost-efficient, fair and transparent compensation management through job evaluation - supporting and challenging organizational design to derive organization specific career frameworks and benchmark remuneration across organizations.

bronze partner

Lymra- N Partners Danışmanlık - Ceyda Nüstekin

Located in Istanbul, Ceyda Nustekin is the founder of Lymra Consulting. She has worked in the world of HR since 2000 and has experience across many industry sectors via Gap, Cadbury Schweppes Kent, Willis Towers Watson, Carrefour and C&A. As well as Human Capital Management her knowledge covers C&B best practice, benchmarking, market data analysis and job evaluation.

bronze partner

Simone Podgorny

Simone ist Personalberaterin und Interimsmanagerin mit Erfahrung in der Gestaltung und Optimierung von Personalstrukturen und -prozessen. Sie unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung geschäftsorientierter Personalstrategien und -transformationen sowie beim Aufbau umfassender Stellenarchitekturen und moderner Vergütungssysteme. Sie führt ein zukunftsorientiertes Talentmanagement ein, um gezielte Entwicklungs- und Karrieremöglichkeiten zu schaffen.

Reload HR

Reload HR ist ein Team von Beratern für digitale Transformation, das sich der HR-Transformation und HR-Tech-Implementierung widmet. Wir folgen unserer Vision, HRT-Projekte agil und praxisnah mit einem Team von Experten durchzuführen. Mit unserer Kombination aus HR- und IT-Expertise schlagen wir die Brücke zwischen HR-Prozess und IT, indem wir beide Seiten verstehen und beide Sprachen sprechen. Unsere Stärke ist es, Dinge zu erledigen und lösungsorientiert zu arbeiten, um Ihr Ziel einer digitalisierten und zukunftsfähigen Personalabteilung zu erreichen.

Rewardwize - Dirk Stienaer

With 20 years of experience in HR and Rewards, Dirk assists clients across various industries and regions to become more attractive for candidates and employees by developing their own unique HR and rewards philosophy that’s credible and fair. He has extensive knowledge and skills in HR, rewards, employee engagement, and retention, as well as a global perspective and a collaborative approach.

Rewards Consulting

Rewards Consulting is an employee reward consultancy that helps organizations make their employee reward strategy more effective and aligned with their goals and values. We help companies with reward projects, including implementing a job architecture and job evaluation, developing salary bands, bonus plans, benefits programmes, private company share plans and navigating the reward aspects of M&A.

Berndtson HR Consulting

Als strategische und operative Management-Beratung unterstützen wir unsere Klienten bei Transformationsprozessen, sowie der Lösungsfindung zu Herausforderungen entlang der gesamten HR-Wertschöpfungskette. Dabei legen wir großen Wert auf unseren Co-Creation Ansatz - das heißt keine übergestülpten Einheitslösungen, sondern individuelle Herangehensweisen und enge Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Klienten. Unser Team besteht aus erfahrenen Berater*innen und Kolleg*innen mit praktischer HR-Erfahrung. So stellen wir sicher, dass wir nah an dem operativen Geschäft bleiben, dabei strategisch und pragmatisch vorgehen, um so umsetzbare Lösungen zu erarbeiten. Unser Klientel reicht vom Mittelstand bis zu international agierenden Großkonzernen in verschiedenen Branchen. Als Teil der deutschen Berndtson Group können wir zudem auf ein breites Netzwerk und zusätzliches Branchen Know-How zurückgreifen.

genoe | Beratung & Entwicklung

Mit über zehn Jahren Erfahrung als Führungskraft, Projektmanagerin und Beraterin im Bereich People & Culture begleite ich Menschen und Unternehmen erfolgreich durch Veränderungsprozesse. Was mich auszeichnet: Meine analytischen Fähigkeiten und meine Umsetzungsstärke, gepaart mit meinem feinen Gespür für Kommunikation und zwischenmenschliche Dynamiken. Als Implementierungspartnerin von gradar unterstütze ich Dich bei der System-Einführung und helfe Dir, Transparenz und Struktur in Deine Organisation zu bringen. Mit meinem Know-how an der Schnittstelle von People & Culture, Transformation und Digitalisierung sorge ich dafür, dass gradar passgenau in deine HR-Prozesse integriert wird.

Balance Caribbean

As an experienced and all-round HR consultancy firm, Balance Consultancy offers a wide range of consultancy services throughout the six islands of the Dutch Caribbean. Balance focuses on developing organizations and employees and has a lot of experience with job evaluation and remuneration projects.

Baumgartner & Co

Baumgartner & Co. ist ein Hamburger Beratungsunternehmen mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Transformation auf allen Ebenen - von der Strategie über HR, Organisation, Führung und Unternehmenskultur. Wir begleiten mittelständische Unternehmen und öffentliche Organisationen in vielfältigen HR-Veränderungsprozessen und entwickeln gemeinsam neue attraktive (variable) Vergütungssysteme, Kompetenzmodelle und Stellenarchitekturen.

IDHR Consulting

At Intentionally Different HR Consulting (IDHR), our mission is to protect your interests with innovative and proven HR solutions. As your dedicated partner, we offer strategic planning, cutting-edge technology, and comprehensive support tailored to your business and employees. Our specific areas of focus include Administrative Services, including leave management and payroll; Compliance Support; Employee Experience, including organizational development and corporate wellness; Employee Relations; Strategic Consulting; and Total Rewards, including compensation strategy. The vast and evolving world of Human Resources can be challenging to navigate. The IDHR team will apply our “intentionally different” approach, providing the resources necessary to support your company and employees every step of the way.

QQPM Ltd. - Mark Quinn

Mark Quinn is a Senior Independent Consultant working to ensure organizations and people get the best possible return from their investment in each other. He has been employed by Korn Ferry, Mercer, Natwest, EY, Sainsbury’s and GSK - supporting clients across the People agenda with particular focus on the strategic relationship between organizational performance, individual performance and reward.

HRD – Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos

Founded in 2004, HRD is one of the leading partners in Angola for full service HR services, ranging from Consultancy, Recruitment & Selection, Executive Search, manpower, HR processes outsourcing and training. Specialized in the Oil and Gas and Banking Industries, our clients also cover industry, mining, retail and distribution. Our consultants work in partnership with organizations to assess, design and implement custom solutions for any sized companies.

SAP Compensation Solutions

Founded in 1993, SAP Consultoria is a regional compensation management consulting firm located in Brazil. Our company is engaged in the development and implementation of projects focused in Compensation and Reward Management. Our consultants work closely with you to assess, design, and implement solutions customized for your company. Supporting organizations ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Güldem Demirerx

Dr. Güldem Demirer verfügt über fundierte Erfahrungen als HR-Praktiker sowohl in mittelständischen Unternehmen als auch in internationalen Konzernen. Von der Analyse bis zur Implementierung der passenden Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen sind Sie bei mir in guten Händen. Mein Portfolio umfasst Total Rewards Lösungen im NewWork Umfeld, Vertriebsvergütung, M&A Postdeal Support.


Wir glauben an die "Macht der Menschen für den Geschäftserfolg". Im gegenwärtigen Umfeld bedeutet das: "Die Besten anziehen, halten und entwickeln". Entlohnung und Talententwicklung sind dafür wichtige Instrumente. Wir wollen die Befähiger Ihres Erfolgs sein! Unsere Kunden kommen aus vielen Branchen und Kulturen.

Niko Wels

Niko Wels ist Compensation & Benefits Consultant mit mehr als 18 Jahren Erfahrung im Personalwesen. Mehr als 15 Jahre lang hatte er verschiedene HR-Führungspositionen in internationalen Industrieunternehmen inne. Er verfügt über umfassende Erfahrung in der Konzeption, Umsetzung und Optimierung von Total Rewards-Lösungen für Unternehmen unterschiedlicher Art, Größe und Branche. Zu seinen Kunden zählen internationale Konzerne ebenso wie Start-ups, Scale-ups und NGOs.


PLAS is an affiliate and shareholder of PLANET, Greece's leading management and project management consulting company. The firm collaborates extensively - both at national and international level - with leading firms, organizations and experts to deliver a broad portfolio of services - a significant part of which focuses on Human Capital Management.

Go Blue Inc.

Go Blue Inc. is a Caribbean Management Consulting and Training Company - a dedicated team of professionals committed to helping clients create amazing value, and deliver unsurpassed customer service excellence. Our competences are in the areas of strategic planning, organizational redesign and strategic realignment, Human Resource Solutions and Corporate Training.

Global HR Solutions

Global HR Solutions (GHRS) is a full spectrum HR company offering outsourcing, consulting, and technology to SMEs. Since 2004 we have been working closely with organizations to improve their ability to perform and profit better and to enhance employee experience. Our clients lean on us for simple and cost-effective solutions in staffing, payroll, and compensation consulting.

Eligijus Kajieta

Eligijus Kajieta is a founder and principal consultant of the reward consulting firm based in Vilnius, Lithuania. He has 20 years of experience in human capital management. The past decade he was solely focusing on helping organizations to increase their effectiveness via aligned remuneration systems and clear job structures. He works with clients across Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

P.O.D Advisory Sdn. Bhd.

P.O.D. Advisory is a consulting company specializing in industrial relations and performance improvement programmes, business planning, balanced scorecard and kpis, job evaluation, job grading, salary structuring and strategic review of businesses. P.O.D. has served clients since 1994 and has a team of experienced associate consultants with a track record for quality and timely delivery.

CAPFOR Mauritius

The CAPFOR Group is a leading International Strategic and Human Resources Consulting firm with offices in France and Africa that helps organizations translate their vision into business results through people solutions. They bring together decades of experience to help your organization succeed by providing a full range of holistic HR services and cover a wide spectrum of human capital management needs.

Solidum Belonen en Functiwaardering

Solidum rewarding and job evaluation provides advice on the set up of organizations, job evaluation, remuneration issues and employment conditions. Our mission is to recruit and retain the right employees for organizations by means of a good remuneration and terms of employment policy that does not lose sight of controlling wage costs.

WORK4S - Bas van der Linden

Work4s supports organizations by building, developing and implementing a professional organization and workforce that is flexible and in line with internal and external developments. They provide consultancy in Strategic Workforce Planning, Organizational Design and Structuring, Job Family Modeling, Job Description and Job Evaluation, Competence Management and Reward.

FuWa Consult

FuWa Consult advises on structure, consistency, comparability, flexibility and fair remuneration. Their specialists have extensive expertise and are well versed in the field of HRM and remuneration policy. Step by step to a solid organizational structure: from control and organizational model, job descriptions and valuations to differentiation matrices, setting up a job framework and benchmarking terms of employment.


Our consulting firm brings extensive experience and expertise to the table. Our consultants have a deep understanding of various industries and functional areas, allowing us to provide tailored solutions. We have a proven track record of successfully delivering projects of all sizes and complexities. With a client-centric approach, we build strong relationships and customize our solutions to meet specific needs.

Talent Business Incubator STEP-UP

STEP-UP is a company for training, education and consulting, specialized in business and organizational development, leadership, management and human resources consulting. We offer support to the companies, specifically from the fast-growing industries, which operate in highly competitive global markets.


FNDN helps scaling technology companies define their compensation practices so that they can focus on hiring and retaining the best talent. We define your philosophy, job levels and salary bands so that you can rest easy with pay that is clear, fair and competitive. We’re big proponents of pay practices that are transparent, equitable, and aligned with your company's strategy. Whether you’re grappling with the complexities of pay equity, looking for strategic benchmarking, or aiming to craft a compensation philosophy that resonates with your team, we’re here to help.


Tharwah Human Resources is one of the top local Consulting and Training firms based in Saudi Arabia founded in 2012 to empower the potential of people and organizations through innovative HR solutions. Tharwah focuses on delivering its value proposition around solutions that touch the three key areas that impact performance; namely: Leadership, Talents and Organizations.

HR Fabrika

HR Fabrika’s team is strong with decades of experience in total together within various HR areas such as Talent Acquisition, Organizational Design, Rewards, Learning & Development, Payroll & HR Administration. We approach each client and project individually, with a lot of knowledge and expertise. For us, each project is a new challenge.

Citris Rewards Consulting

Citris helps organizations with all aspects of their compensation and benefits programmes. Our services span from developing total rewards strategies and evaluating programme designs, to building job architectures and compensation frameworks. All of our consultants have worked in-house during their careers and have led successful HR change projects in many global businesses.

Merities Consulting GmbH

Ignoring the challenges of managing employee compensation and structures while staying compliant is no longer an option. Merities Consulting helps clients build clear job levelling frameworks, conduct job evaluations, and perform salary benchmarking. We prepare organisations for pay transparency with clear, defensible salary structures and communication strategies. Our developed solution ensures your reward strategies are fair, transparent, compliant - and effective.

MPF Compensation Services

MPF Compensation Services ist ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der Total Reward Solutions: erfahren, spezialisiert, international, einzigartig und bietet eine Vielzahl von strategischen und operativen Unterstützungsleistungen. Das Fachwissen umfasst das gesamte Spektrum der Vergütungssysteme sowie Corporate Governance, Compliance, Performance Management und Human Resources Management.

Talent Exchange

Talent Exchange is a people consultancy, shared service provider and innovative talent management platform based in the UK. They are a team of HR consultants (set up as a Community Interest Company) with years of experience supporting the voluntary sector. They have a proven track record of allowing charities to access professional support and create more enriching careers for their staff at low cost.


RSIM ist ein unabhängiges Schweizer Reward-Beratungsunternehmen mit globaler, branchenübergreifender Erfahrung, gegründet von Anne Béguin-Van Walleghem. Anne Béguin-Van Walleghem ist Expertin für Vergütung und Sozialleistungen und hat eine Leidenschaft für die Entwicklung und Umsetzung effektiver Vergütungsstrategien, mit denen Sie Ihre besten Talente anziehen und binden und sich auf dem Markt durchsetzen können. Sie unterstützt börsennotierte und private Unternehmen mit Beratungs- und Interimsdienstleistungen, die von der Strategiediagnose bis hin zur vollständigen Umsetzung reichen: alles zugeschnitten auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse, Ihr Budget und Ihre Ziele.

Addium Consulting

Addium Consulting is a management consulting firm with a mission to assist organizations to harness human and organizational potential in order to achieve strategic and sustainable outcomes. They add value to individuals and institutions through People & Organisation, Investment Advisory, Customer Experience, Data & Digitisation, Strategy Execution, and Monitoring & Evaluation.


StreSERT Integrated Limited, SIL is an African focused management consulting firm that partners with clients and stakeholders to create solutions that deliver significant impact and ultimately real and measurable success. They seek to be at the vanguard in changing the African narrative, helping unlock the enormous potential of the continent’s people, business and government - all through HR solutions.


ConsultRAD is a woman-owned total rewards consulting company delivering best-in-class Rewards Advisory & Development solutions. Drawing on deep technical expertise, they provide comprehensive strategic and operational support to help clients solve compensation and benefits challenges, supporting people-centric organizations in their mission to build a culture of fair pay where everyone thrives.


Valdus is a Professional Human Resources Organization which provides Innovative HR Solutions. Incorporated in 2010, with a start of just three people, they have now grown into one of Mauritius leading HR Management Companies managing the most complex HR projects for private companies and the government such as the Mauritius National ID Card Project. They assist clients with a range of customised HR Services, Processes, Programs and Practices into their daily operations.

Kathrin Krüger

Als Travel Guide in Employee Engagement und mit 15 Jahren breiter HR Management Expertise in Compensation & Benefits und Global Assignments unterstützt Kathrin Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte dabei, vertrauensvolle, wertschätzende und attraktive Arbeitskulturen zu schaffen und nachhaltig zu gestalten. Sie arbeitet mit HR Business Partnern auf globaler Ebene mit Schwerpunkt in Deutschland.

Ignite Reward Consulting

Ignite Reward Consulting is a boutique reward consultancy based in Lonehill, Gauteng, offering reward advisory services and technical expertise to organizations across South Africa, UK and Channel Islands. The company is headed up by Carmen Arico, a reward management expert with a B Com degree in Human Resources Management and Chartered Reward Specialist accreditation.

Work Imagined

Work Imagined ist ein Beratungsunternehmen, das von Nichelle Appleby geleitet wird. Sie unterstützt die Verbesserung von Gehaltsprogrammen und setzt sich für gesunde Arbeitsplätze durch Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Arbeit ein. Nichelle ist englische Muttersprachlerin mit Sitz in Berlin und kann Sie auf folgende Weise unterstützen. Beratung: Als Implementierungspartner für gradar kann Nichelle Schulungen und Implementierungsunterstützung für die Entwicklung von Arbeitsplatzarchitekturen und Vergütungsprogrammen anbieten. Workshops: Als ausgebildete Workshop-Moderatorin erstellt Nichelle maßgeschneiderte Workshops, um HR-Teams dabei zu helfen, Probleme zu lösen, Entscheidungen zu treffen und Ideen zur Umsetzung der HR-Strategie zu entwickeln.

Gurus Human Resource Consultancy Group

We are an ISO 27001 certified and Ministry of Labour Certified Liberian Management firm providing services to companies in compensation and benefit, human capital, Change Management, organization development, Learning and Development, HR Technology, PEO, EOR, Employment Law and Executive Search. We also have the largest talent sourcing platform in Liberia.

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