Powerful pay equity analysis

gradar helps your organisation ensure equal pay for equal work, defend against pay equity claims and spot discrimination before it becomes a real issue with robust, reliable gender pay gap features.

  • Understand and resolve gender pay gaps
  • View salary distribution by grade and gender
  • Comply with national reporting requirements
  • Formalise career paths for equal opportunity

our clients

300+ organizations trust gradar to drive performance and engagement.

  • Egger
  • DPD
  • Open-Xchange
  • Damm
  • DB
  • Vulcan Energy
  • europcar
  • nepworldwide

Spot potential discrimination

gradar offers gender pay gap analysis together with job evaluation, compensation analysis and structuring - as well as career path and job architecture design. By analysing the distribution of salaries within a grade among male and female employees, our software spots discrimination before it becomes a real issue.

Smart GPG dashboard

Get easy, instant access to all the equal pay analysis data in your organisation with gradar’s smart gender pay gap dashboard. View your average and median GPG for base pay and target compensation, as well as gender distribution by quartile and average GPG adjusted by grade - all exportable with a single click.

Regression-based results

View a demographic analysis showing the distribution of male and female job holders per grade, get an overview of salaries by grade to easily identify outliers and calculate an adjusted pay gap taking into account the possible relevant factors influencing pay and equating them through a statistical model.

Easy-to-understand heat map

See a visual representation of the difference in earnings between your male and female employees. View the distribution of the adjusted pay gap grouped according to job grades and job families. Make it easy to identify particularly conspicuous groups in terms of pay gaps, with a red colour indicating a pay gap of more than 5%.

Learn more about equal pay and our equal pay software

In the 21st Century, pay equity has never been more important. By law, employers must not pay an employee less as a result of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other characteristic. It means organisations must do everything in their power to ensure equal pay and equal opportunity - or risk facing legal issues.

Money Money

The Benefits of Equal Pay

Equal pay is not just a ‘box ticking’ exercise, and has been proven to not only promote a fair society, but to deliver a tangible positive business impact through fair and equitable pay practises. Providing equal opportunity greatly enriches the talent pool, results in better employee retention and reduces the financial risks of equal pay claims in court.

That’s not to say the process is simple. To change the culture of an organisation towards a more transparent setting and promoting equality can be incredibly difficult. As HR professionals, we must play a central role in making it happen.

What’s the evidence for fair and equitable pay practices?

General pay satisfaction is more strongly related to distributive justice than to procedural justice. But, without structures, there can be no distributive or procedural justice!

Pay bands and job evaluation within gradar play a big part in achieving equity, fairness, consistency and transparency when managing gradings and pay - as well as avoiding discrimination and biased-decision making.


The Requirements For Your Business

Many countries across the globe have taken measures to encourage equal pay by implementing legislation centred about transparency through pay data reporting. Although legal requirements vary from country to country, the emphasis on pay equity can be seen throughout the world and must be taken as seriously as possible.

If Europe-wide initiatives had more legal weight, European men and women should have been paid equally for 60+ years. As early as the Treaty of Rome of 1957, equal pay was established as a constituent principle of the European Community.

As the EU has grown together, the issue has been emphasised several times, for example through the "Equal Treatment Directive" 2006/54/EC and related recommendations in 2014 (2014/124/EU).

However, the reality has always been and remains different: According to EU data, the pay gap between men and women is currently still around 14 per cent.

The Commission's latest proposal (COM/2021/93) has three objectives: Creating wage transparency, concretising key concepts of equal pay in a practical way and establishing enforcement mechanisms in the interests of workers.

Job evaluation as a means of choice runs through the entire draft.

Equal pay is not understood as equal pay for all. Rather, "any differences in pay must be based on objective, gender-neutral criteria." These criteria also form the basis for assessing work of equal value. The Commission mentions here "educational, training and occupational requirements, qualifications, workload and responsibility, work performed and the nature of the tasks performed."

There also seems to be a broad consensus that job evaluation should be analytical, thorough and objective, which could have a positive impact on the quality of the widespread evaluation and (collectively agreed) grading procedures.

Equal pay in the United Kingdom is governed by the Equality Act 2010, with Gender Pay Gap reporting regulations introduced in 2017. From that point on, regulations state that all companies with more than 250 employees must report their gender pay gap on their own website and to the Government. Organisations who cannot provide a satisfactory explanation for any pay inequality face unlimited fines.

In the USA, the governing federal law regarding pay equity is the Equal Pay Act of 1963, a legislation prohibiting gender-based wage discrimination between men and women in the same organisation. There is no requirement to report pay data, but the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act means each paycheck containing compensation discrimination is a separate, new violation - making it easier for employees to claim.

In Spain, decree 902/2020 takes effect in April 2021 and requires companies to keep an annual remuneration register covering all employees - including executives and senior managers. It must contain average and median pay data (for the 30 most often used salary types) broken down by gender, fringe benefits broken down by gender, and the appropriate professional classification. An explanation for any gender pay gap above 25% must be included.

Allowable Differences In Pay

There are some circumstances in which differences in pay may be allowed. It could be deemed acceptable for someone to be paid more than someone else of the opposite sex who does similar work for one of the following reasons:

  • They’re better qualified with crucial job-related skills that are hard to recruit
  • They have a salary weighting based on location, such as capital cities
  • They work unsociable hours, such as night shifts, that demand a higher salary

Even when making every effort to follow these rules of “equal pay for equal value” companies may still be affected by external factors that can cause an imbalance of a job’s grade and related salary.

Markets change and the company’s budget for salary negotiations may decrease, or some jobs may be in higher demand and it’s necessary to pay higher sums to fill positions or to retain position holders.

In any case, the recommended approach for HR departments is to monitor these developments closely and to intervene if any exceptions start to become the rule. Factual and objective rationales for such variations must be provided.

The gradar Solution

At gradar, we meet all of the above requirements and can help you work towards greater pay equity in your organisation. Whether you’re conducting a pay audit or putting an equality plan in place, the grading of jobs in a point-factor-based, bias-free job evaluation system is a suitable first step. Our system is the solution.

You can combine the results of your job evaluation with external salary data to analyse the distribution of salaries within a grade among male and female employees - as well as the distribution of male and female employees among every grade. You can spot potential discrimination before it becomes a real issue.

Then, using our platform, you can dive deeper into pay differentiation within individual job families in relation to gender.

If the salary data can provide the information, considering the influence of age and years in service can deliver valuable insights into the pay policies of your organisation.

It’s also worth looking into practises concerning promotions, eligibility for bonuses, benefits, and allowances and performance appraisals. Measuring performance can be difficult and is often based on subjective assessments from individual managers. With gradar’s integration of TMA’s competency library, the application of its behavioural anchors in the process reduces this risk and makes it easier to spot potential discrimination.

It’s time to optimise your
pay, productivity and performance

Just like these guys…

BirdLife International

“gradar has been revolutionary and the support we have received has been exceptional. The system is user friendly and I have great confidence in the fairness of the scoring. It’s brilliant to have clear visibility of our roles in one system and to be able to easily cross compare and benchmark them against each other. We now have firm evidence to develop our pay and grading data, and I would recommend gradar to any organisation looking to transform their job evaluation systems.”


Rachel Baker

Human Resources Manager

DKV Mobility

“gradar helped us to structure our compensation schemes and this is the foundation for a state-of-the art performance management, equal pay, consistent career paths and having the right conversations around compensation with managers and employees. I’d recommend it to anyone who needs a solution for this!”


Bentje Gruenewald

Team Manager, Compensation & HR Systems


"With gradar, Jimdo has created a solid basis for a sustainable and future-proof HR policy. The combination of modern job evaluation, job descriptions and market data analyses made it possible to make well-founded salary decisions and to be perceived b as a fair and competitive employer, both internally and externally."

Christoph Schipper

Christoph Schipper

People Operations Manager


“We recently implemented gradar's job grading system for our business and we are very pleased with the results! The application was extremely easy to use and the interface was intuitive and user friendly. The system was also very flexible, allowing me to customize the application to fit my specific needs. I highly recommend this system for anyone looking to perform a detailed job evaluation exercise!”


Joanna Smith

Head of HR & Culture

Connect with a gradar consultant

To help you get the most out of gradar, we’ve built a network of implementation partners for when you need project support. These experts are trained in the gradar system and available worldwide to consult on job architecture and compensation. Oh - and you’ll still retain all the gradar knowledge in-house after your project!


Learn more about equal pay laws

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